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" God has given us the gift to know just what each individual needs and the ability to provide those needs - from hugs to health care."

                              - Kim Miles Brown, Founder & Georgia Stephens, Director

About Caring Heart


We believe that each individual is unique. Just like family, we regard each person as a valuable member of society with his/her own strengths, abilities, needs and wants. We also believe that meeting the challenges of aging, makes special demands out of everyone. Caring Heart Independent Living helps meet those challenges while still maintaining a sense of dignity & independence to all those involved.


Caring Heart Independent Living is conveniently located in a refined, quiet family neighborhood with nearby shopping, parks, walking trails and hospitals. Since we cater to older adults, a residential home allows us to accommodate a broad range of residents. Which then gives our residents a chance to share common interests and foster lasting relationships. This unique home setting also gives us, the caregiver, the opportunity to coordinate a wide range of services in a comprehensive and affordable way.

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